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HOLY KORAN 47:12-17

12. These holy and divine laws are from the Prophet, Noble Drew Ali, the founder of the uniting of the Moorish Science Temple of America.

13. These laws are to be strictly preserved by the members of all the Temples, of the Moorish Science Temple of America. That they will learn to open their meeting and guide it according to the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice.

14. Every subordinate Temple of the Grand-Major Temple is to form under the covenant of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice; and to create their own laws and customs, in conjunction with the laws of the Holy Prophet and the Grand Temple. I, the Prophet, Noble Drew Ali, was sent by the great God, Allah, to warn all Asiatics of America to repent from their sinful ways; before that great and awful day that is sure to come.

15. The time has come when every nation must worship under its own vine and fig tree, and every tongue must confess his own.

16. Through sin and disobedience every nation has suffered slavery, due to the fact that they honored not the creed and principles of their forefathers.

17. That is why the nationality of the Moors was taken away from them in 1774 and the word negro, black and colored, was given to the Asiatics of America who were of Moorish descent, because they honored not the principles of their mother and father, and strayed after the gods of Europe of whom they knew nothing.

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1. the Divine Constitution and By Laws (7 ACTS)

2. the Additional Laws (7 ACTS)

3. the Custom Temple  Laws (30 ARTICLES)

4. the Amendment Laws (5 ARTICLES)



in the national convention of 1928, the Prophet set many things in place to bring the order of Law to the Moorish Science Temple of America, as there were many leaders doing their own thing, and the regular members were not being taught the Prophets laws.

and in these days and times when the same problems have risen and taken the dominant position over the MDM/MSTA, I have re-established the importance of the Divine Constitution and By laws, and the Additional Laws among my members.

I have also added the Custom Temple Laws, a collection of thirty ARTICLES taken from the actual Life Works and Teachings of the Prophet concerning the MDM/MSTA, and what he wanted for it. they should already have been Law in the lives of the Moslems, so I have reinforced them as actual "LAWS" over Temple, that must be followed 100%. which would solve about 85% of the problems this Divine Movement is suffering from currently, if all would simply follow them.

I have also added the Amendment Laws, to further establish the LOCAL TEMPLE'S LAWS, RULES, and REGULATIONS. stressing the point that we are MOSLEMS, which too many smelly culprits basking in the sun, have just slid around. and in this, they have shirked their responsibilities, duties and obligations to ALLAH, The Prophet, and our Divine Mission to establish ISLAM all over the world for the SALVATION OF ALL THE NATIONS.

this work is handed down as a counter measure to reverse the folly, fallacy, and fleeting winds of falsehood that has overtaken the SOUL FOUNDATION FOR OUR DIVINE AND EARTHLY SALVATION.

the only way to truly carry out the Law is to Live the Life of LTPFJ, universally in all nations universally.



ACT 1. The Grand Sheik and The Chairman of The Moorish Science Temple of America is in power to make law and enforce laws with the assistance of The Prophet and The Grand Body of The Moorish Science Temple of America. The assistant Grand Sheik is to assist the Grand Sheik in all affairs if he lives according to Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice, and it is known before the members of the Moorish Science Temple of America.

ACT 2. - All meetings are to be opened and closed promptly according to the circle seven and Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. Friday is our Holy Day of rest, because on a friday the first man was formed in flesh and on a friday the first man departed out of flesh and ascended unto his father God Allah, for that cause Friday is the Holy day for all Moslems all over the world.

ACT 3. - Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice must be proclaimed and practiced by all members of the Moorish Science Temple of America. No member is to put in danger or accuse falsely his brother or sister on any occasion at all that may harm his brother or sister, because Allah is Love.

ACT 4. - All members must preserve these Holy and Divine laws, and all members must obey the laws of the government, because by being a Moorish American you are a part and partial of the government, and must live the life accordingly.

ACT 5. - This organization of the Moorsih Science Temple of America is not to cause any confusion or to overthrow the laws and constitution of said government but to obey hereby.

ACT 6. - With us all members must proclaim their nationality and we are teaching our people their nationality and their Divine Creed that they may know that they are a part and a partial of this said government, and know that they are not Negroes, Colored Folks, Black People or Ethiopians, because these names were given to slaves by slave holders in 1779 and lasted until 1865 during the time of slavery, but this is a new era of time now, and all men now must proclaim their free national name to be recognized by the government in which they live and the nations of the earth, this is the reason why Allah the Great god of the universe ordained Noble Drew Ali, the Prophet to redeem his people from their sinful ways. The Moorish Americans are the descendants of the ancient Moabites whom inhabited the North western and South Western shores of Africa.

ACT 7. - All members must promptly attend their meetings and become a part and partial of all uplifting acts of the Moorish Science Temple of America. Members must pay their dues and keep in line with all neccessities of the Moorish Science Temple of America, then you are entitled to the name of, "Faithful." Husband, you must support your wife and children; wife you must obey your husband and take care of your children and look after the duties of your household. Sons and daughters must obey father and mother and be industrious and become a part of the uplifting of fallen humanity. All Moorish Americans must keep their hearts and minds pure with love, and their bodies clean with water. This Divine Covenant is from your Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali, thru the guidance of his Father God Allah.


ACT 1. - Grand Sheiks and Governors and Heads of all Temples, all businesses; each said temple must be approved of by The Prophet Noble Drew Ali, before acting upon by any members, let it be finance, property, or any line of life that will cause the support of any group of members any former officer that violate these laws is subject to be removed from office under a heavy restriction, etc. by The prophet or Grand Sheik.

ACT 2. - all members are to attend their adept meeting and their public meeting promptly, if a member is found standing around on their meeting period, shall be fined .50c on the first case, and on the second, will be fined one dollar ($1.00) which will go on your emergency fund. if a member is working his monthly dues must be paid, and if he has money in the bank he must subscribe for as much as he is able, to the moorish uplifting fund, because it takes finance to uplift a nation.

ACT 3. - it is the lawful, and divine duty of every good member, if he is able to give finance, to aid me in saving the nation and if he does not, he is an enemy to the cause of uplifting his own people and justice must catch you, let it be he or she according to Love, Peace, Truth, Freedom, and Justice, as I have the power invested in my hands and I will have to enforce the law in order to save the nation.

ACT 4. - all members while making a public speech must not use any assertion against the American Flag or speak radical against the church or any member of any organized group, because we are to teach Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice.

ACT 5. - all members must promptly attend their meetings and send their children to sunday school, and the teacher must confirm himself to the questionary, and let every member exercise his five senses who is able to do so, because out of your sunday school comes the guiders of the nation.

ACT 6. - With us all members must proclaim their nationality and we are teaching our people their nationality and their Divine Creed that they may know that they are a part and a partial of this said government, and know that they are not Negroes, Colored Folks, Black People or Ethiopians, because these names were given to slaves by slave holders in 1779 and lasted until 1865 during the time of slavery, but this is a new era of time now, and all men now must proclaim their free national name to be recognized by the government in which they live and the nations of the earth, this is the reason why Allah the Great god of the universe ordained Noble Drew Ali, the Prophet to redeem his people from their sinful ways. The Moorish Americans are the descendants of the ancient Moabites whom inhabited
the North western and South Western shores of Africa.

ACT 7. - All members must promptly attend their meetings and become a part and partial of all uplifting acts of the Moorish Science Temple. Members must pay their dues and keep in line with all neccessities of the Moorish Science Temple of America, then you are entitled to the name of, "Faithful." Husband, you must support your wife and children; wife you must obey your husband and take care of your children and look after the duties of your household. Sons and daughters mus obey father and mother and be industrious and become a part of the uplifting of fallen humanity. All moorish Americans must keep their hearts and minds pure with love, and their bodies clean with water. This Divine Covenant is from your Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali, thru the guidance of his Father God Allah.



ARTICLE 1. According to all true and divine records of the human race there is no negro, black, or colored race attached to the human family, because all the inhabitants of Africa were and are of the human race, descendants of the ancient Canaanite nation from the holy land of Canaan. What your ancient forefathers were, you are today without doubt or contradiction. There is no one who is able to change man from the descendant nature of his forefathers; unless his power extends beyond the great universal Creator Allah Himself.

ARTICLE 2. These holy and divine laws are from the Prophet, Noble Drew Ali, the founder of the uniting of the Moorish Science Temple of America. These laws are to be strictly preserved by the members of all the Temples, of the Moorish Science Temple of America. That they will learn to open their meeting and guide it according to the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice.

ARTICLE 3. Every subordinate Temple of the Grand-Major Temple is to form under the covenant of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice; and to create their own laws and customs, in conjunction with the laws of the Holy Prophet and the Grand Temple. I, the Prophet, Noble Drew Ali, was sent by the great God, Allah, to warn all Asiatics of America to repent from their sinful ways; before that great and awful day that is sure to come.

ARTICLE 4. In these modern days there came a forerunner, who was divinely prepared by the great God-Allah and his name is Marcus Garvey, who did teach and warn the nations of the earth to prepare to meet the coming Prophet; who was to bring the true and divine Creed of Islam, and his name is Noble Drew Ali who was prepared and sent to this earth by Allah, to teach the old time religion and the everlasting gospel to the sons of men. That every nation shall and must worship under their own vine and fig tree, and return to their own and be one with their Father God-Allah.

ARTICLE 5. The Moorish Science Temple of America is a lawfully chartered and incorporated organization. Any subordinate Temple that desires to receive a charter; the prophet has them to issue to every state throughout the United States, etc. That the world may hear and know the truth, that among the descendants of Africa there is still much wisdom to be learned in these days for the redemption of the sons of men under Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice.

ARTICLE 6. We, as a clean and pure nation descended from the inhabitants of Africa, do not desire to amalgamate or marry into the families of the pale skin nations of Europe. Neither serve the gods of their religion, because our forefathers are the true and divine founders of the first religious creed, for the redemption and salvation of mankind on earth. Therefore we are returning the Church and Christianity back to the European Nations, as it was prepared by their forefathers for their earthly salvation. While we, the Moorish Americans are returning to Islam, which was founded by our forefathers for our earthly and divine salvation.

ARTICLE 7. The covenant of the great God-Allah: "Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be longer upon the earth land, which the Lord thy God, Allah hath given thee!"

ARTICLE 8. All Governors and Grand Sheiks and head officials that guide any body of Moors of any Temple of the Moorish Science Temple of America: He or she must be of good moral standard and a heart of love and their works must be of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. They are to imitate the Prophet in speech and teaching in any said Temple. They must not be under the influence of intoxicating liquors or any other harmful motive that will terminate to become detrimental to the organization.

ARTICLE 9. It must not be known that any leader is staying away from home or neglecting his duty at home or must allow the public to know of their wrong doings. They must forever live the life of Love at home and it must, be known by all the members. They must not speak rash words nor any profane language in the mildest form to any other individual because a leader without influence of good works cannot be a leader, and to be a real Moorish leader you must study the Koran and the Divine Constitution that is handed down unto you by I, the Prophet.

ARTICLE 10. No finance business is to be opened with any group of members of any Temple, by the Governor or Grandsheik or whosoever in charge without the consultation of I, the Prophet. All uplifting funds, books, are to be issued only through I, the Prophet, because that money is to finance the Moorish Movement.

ARTICLE 11. The head of any Temple can maintain an emergency fund which cannot exceed the amount of from 25 cents to 50 cents a week per member. All public collections and dues also to the supporting of each said Temple and its domestic work.

ARTICLE 12. No finance books are to be served in any Temple except by the Prophet. The head of every Temple must by law obey the word of the Prophet, and if any leader or head of any Temple fails to obey these laws - embezzlement is his charge, and is subject to enforcement of the law by the Grand Body. And the penalty may be a fine or a removal from office, or placed under a very heavy restriction of the law.

ARTICLE 13. There is no favorite in any of the temples, for the Law is laid down and everyone who claims a part of the work must be governed accordingly. ALL are one. There is but one Temple in this Nation and there is but one Prophet of the Temples. I come to speak to all Nations, bringing them a message of Love, Truth, Peace, freedom, and Justice.

ARTICLE 14. In the Head of every Temple if any one has violated these Divine Laws it will mean his discontinuance, for no man is to be under the influence of intoxicating liqours nor to seek to tear up the families while under the influence of evil motive; nor must he speak anything that will prejuidice the minds of the public against the Divine movement.

ARTICLE 15. If any of the Laws are violated, any body grand sheik or sheiks can file charge against the violation to the grand body over which the Prophet presides. This power is vested in seven or more sheiks for the protection of your Temple and the Divine movement.

ARTICLE 16. The head of all temples are to give an account once a month of all finances into the Grand Body. and the Grand Sheik---Grand Sheikess---Governor, and Grand Governor of any said Temple are to work hand in hand and intercede that the Prophet is the Law. They are to know they are a part of the law and must obey.

ARTICLE 17. The Heads of all Temples are to by force refrain from all wrath words profanity in the mildest form from his members. They must live the life of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice, and refrain from all alcoholic liquors or any other harmful things that will terminate to destroy Peace, or any other of the Divine Principles. They are not to contribute to anything that will cause the public to disagree with he or she. And for one to lead a group of Moors, you must keep your house clean - - clean with good deeds, kind words-your wives, brothers must hear good words, kind words, and must know of your good deeds. If there are children you must see to their support.

ARTICLE 18. Follow this Divine Principle, for if you don't restrict to this Divine Principle then you are not a true Moor, and the heads are not to charge for membership, or to overcharge for cards, buttons, or for anything issued by the Prophet. Those who contribute to either of the preceding are not Moors, but robbers.

ARTICLE 19. Membership, sisters and brothers, is free; not only here but all over the world. The button is 25 cents, card 25 cents; and one month's dues is paid. Every member pays 50 cents a month for dues. This money goes towards the support of the Temple. This, if not paid, does not entitle you to the protection that is provided for you. and especially if you are not working or in the position to work. If you neglect to fulfill this small duty assigned vou. how can you rightfully expect money or other help when you are sick or otherwise disable?

ARTICLE 20. The head of any Temple can maintain an emergency fund which can not exceed the amount of from twenty-five cents to fifty cents a week per member. All public collections and dues also go to the support of the Temple and its domestic work. The head of every Temple must, by law, obey the word of the Prophet, and if any head leader or head of any Temple fails to obey these laws -embezzlement is his charge and is subject to enforcement of the law by Grand Body: and the penalty may be a fine or removal from office, or placed under a very heavy restriction of the law.

ARTICLE 21. All members should pay from 25 cents to 50 cents weekly towards the Emergency Fund. This fund will increase so that it will soon amount to the grand sum of $1,000. That is, if you are loyal Moors. The Emergency Fund goes into the bank. The treasurer will tend to the responsibility of seeing that the money is in the bank, yes, and under the name of the Moorish Science Temple of America Finance. When needed, act according to the law pertaining to the procedure of performing an Emergency Act.

ARTICLE 22. No head of any said Temple is to borrow from any member more than five to ten dollars unless by notification of the Prophet, the necessity for the loan. When any said Temple desires to purchase property they must first notify the Grand Body or the Prophet and it must be purchased under the name of the Moorish Science Temple of America or Noble Drew Ali. An individual name should never be applied. I, Noble Drew Ali. am responsible for all finance, so therefore let I, the Prophet, know what is on me.

ARTICLE 23. The Emergency Fund is issued by no book, but by an emergency card punched according to contribution, then marked on book; that is the law, and the law must live. The government is behind me, and I must get behind you. For I must uphold and enforce the law, my mission is to save you Moors.

ARTICLE 24. The heads of all Temples, Grand Sheiks, Grand Sheikess must confirm to the Divine principles: Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. They must live the life among the members and be loved even as the Prophet is loved. They must not practice the principle of segregation among any group in his or her Temple. Let it be he or she that is head of any Temple of the Moorish Science Temple of America that if there should come any grievance that cannot be settled by the head, notify the Prophet at once.

ARTICLE 25. No member is to attend Adept Chamber that has not lived a moral and clean life, and has not paid his or her dues or assessments, providing that he or she is working or able, cannot consider himself a Moor. But traitors must be excluded from the books after having fair trial by the head of their Temple, and that must be sent into the Grand Body. And all members that are able to, subscribe towards the uplifting fund because it takes finance to uplift a nation. And those that are able and fail to act, are not Moors, but traitors to their cause and trust and their nation, and are not allowed to share all the Moorish honors. And the penalty is-- It is embezzlement of the faith of our creed. All heads of all Temples must observe these laws.

ARTICLE 26. Because of the fact that the expense of the operation of the Temple is increasing so fast, that it was found necessary to vote a tax to the Prophet to carry on the work. This idea was concurred with by the Supreme Grand Council. This act is so arranged that it will not be a burden to any of the Temples, but the Prophet is very emphatic that it shall not be ignored. The expense of operation has heretofore been taken care with funds received from the manufacturing department, and it was found that it was a burden on that department. Hence, the tax was necessary. This tax is twenty-five cents ($.25) per month per capita. This will mean that the numerical strength of the temple will bear the proper share of the responsibility of operation. This per capita tax is intended to supply all members alike. Governors and Grand Sheiks included.

ARTICLE 27. The Governor or officer in charge of each Temple will cause a report to be rendered to the Supreme Grand Business Manager of the Supreme Grand Council, 3140 Indiana Ave., Chicago, which will specify and itemize the following: number of Adepts, number of members, number of new members taken in each month or those who join after the rendition of the last report. Twenty-five cents must accompany the name of each. Such members as the representation tax. The per capita tax collection begins November 1, 1928. All concerned will save themselves penalized if they render their reports promptly and specifically. Because otherwise it will necessitate a representative calling on such delinquent Temples an auditing their books, which expense will be borne by the Temple. All Governors and other officers will be held responsible for the representation tax and report.


ARTICLE 28. I, hereby inform all members that they must end all radical speeches while at work in their homes or on the streets. We are for peace and not destruction.Stop flashing your cards at Europeans; it causes confusion. Remember your card is for your salvation. Failure to obey these orders will be of severe consequence.

ARTICLE 29. Any member or group of members who hold malicious feelings toward the temple or the Prophet, or violate the divine covenant of the Moorish Movement will receive their reward from Allah for their unjust deeds. All true Moors will and must obey the law as laid down to them by their Prophet. If they lose confidence in their Prophet, they should turn in their card and button, cease wearing their turban and fez and return to the state where I, the Prophet, found you.

ARTICLE 30. This is a holy and divine movement founded by the Prophet Noble Drew Ali, and if the Prophet is not right, the temple is not right.



ARTICLE 1. the amount of dues has been raised because of time and inflation to 2.50 a week, thats 10.00 a month. to be paid the first week of every month, unless the Grand Sheik is notified of otherwise and agrees, as he or she is responsible for their membership, and the fulfilling of all necessities. the exact same amount and rules applies to the Emergency Fund, Upliftment Fund, Per Capita Tax, and Temple Tribute. donations can be of any amount.

ARTICLE 2. there are no inactive members, all are required to fulfill their duties of uplifting and advancing this Divine Movement. this is not a social club, fraternity, or feel good movement. we must be aggressive in our progressiveness, for ALLAH IS ONLY LEADING ON THOSE THAT ARE ABOUT HIS WORK. you cannot be a Moorish Americans without being a Moslem. we are for obedience to law, respect and loyalty to government, tolerance, and unity. we are for the upliftment of fallen humanity, teaching those things neccessary to make men and women into better citizens of the national government in which they reside.


ARTICLE 3. The holy teaching of Jesus was to the common people, to redeem them from under the great pressure of the hands of the unjust. That the rulers and the rich would not oppress the poor. Also that the lion and the lamb may lay down together and neither would be harmed when morning came. The lamb is the poor people, the lion is the rulers and the rich, and through Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice all men are one and equal to seek their own destiny; and to worship under their own vine and fig tree. After the principles of the holy and divine laws of their forefathers. the mission of prophet Jesus, prophet Mohammed and prophet Noble Drew Ali, is the duty and obligation of every Moslem to fulfill.

ARTICLE 4. All nations of the earth in these modern days are seeking peace, but there is but one true and divine way that peace may be obtained in these days, and it is through Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice being taught universally to all nations, in all lands. this PEACE is the Propagation, Extending, Appointing, Consecrating, and Establishing of Islam in America and to all nations of the four corners of the earth.

ARTICLE 5. as Moslems it is our duty to fulfill and finish the work of "the uniting of Islam", "the uniting of the Koran of Mecca", "the uniting of the Moorish Science Temple of America", and "the uniting of Asia". we are to Propagate the Faith of Mohammed in ALLAH'S revealed word, communications, and commandments. we are faithful to ALLAH, his angels, his prophets, his revealed word, and the final day of his judgement of the nations of the world.

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