We, his majesty's most loyal subjects, the delegates of the several colonies of New-Hampshire,
Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode-Island, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, the three lower counties of Newcastle,
Kent and Sussex on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, and South-Carolina, deputed to represent them in a
continental Congress, held in the city of Philadelphia, on the 5th day of September, 1774, avowing our allegiance to his majesty,
our affection and regard for our fellow-subjects in Great- Britain and elsewhere, affected with the deepest anxiety, and
most alarming apprehensions, at those grievances and distresses, with which his Majesty's American subjects are oppressed;
and having taken under our most serious deliberation, the state of the whole continent, find, that the present unhappy
situation of our affairs is occasioned by a ruinous system of colony administration, adopted by the British ministry
about the year 1763, evidently calculated for enslaving these colonies, and, with them, the British Empire. In prosecution
of which system, various acts of parliament have been passed, for raising a revenue in America, for depriving the American subjects,
in many instances, of the constitutional trial by jury, exposing their lives to danger, by directing a new and illegal
trial beyond the seas, for crimes alleged to have been committed in America: And in prosecution of the same system,
several late, cruel, and oppressive acts have been passed, respecting the town of Boston and the Massachusetts-Bay,
and also an act for extending the province of Quebec, so as to border on the western frontiers of these colonies, establishing
an arbitrary government therein, and discouraging the settlement of British subjects in that wide extended country;
thus, by the influence of civil principles and ancient prejudices, to dispose the inhabitants to act with hostility against the
free Protestant colonies, whenever a wicked ministry shall chuse so to direct them.
To obtain redress of these grievances,
which threaten destruction to the lives liberty, and property of his majesty's subjects, in North- America, we are of
opinion, that a non-importation, non-consumption, and non-exportation agreement, faithfully adhered to, will prove the most
speedy, effectual, and peaceable measure: And, therefore, we do, for ourselves, and the inhabitants of the several colonies,
whom we represent, firmly agree and associate, under the sacred ties of virtue, honour and love of our country, as follows:
That from and after the first day of December next, we will not import, into British America, from Great-Britain or Ireland,
any goods, wares, or merchandise whatsoever, or from any other place, any such goods, wares, or merchandise, as shall
have been exported from Great-Britain or Ireland; nor will we, after that day, import any East-India tea from any part
of the world; nor any molasses, syrups, paneles, coffee, or pimento, from the British plantations or from Dominica;
nor wines from Madeira, or the Western Islands; nor foreign indigo.
2. We will neither import nor purchase, any
slave imported after the first day of December next; after which time, we will wholly discontinue the slave trade, and
will neither be concerned in it ourselves, nor will we hire our vessels, nor sell our commodities or manufactures to
those who are concerned in it.
3. As a non-consumption agreement, strictly adhered to, will be an effectual security
for the observation of the non-importation, we, as above, solemnly agree and associate, that from this day, we will not purchase
or use any tea, imported on account of the East-India company, or any on which a duty bath been or shall be paid; and from and
after the first day of March next, we will not purchase or use any East-India tea whatever; nor will we, nor shall any
person for or under us, purchase or use any of those goods, wares, or merchandise, we have agreed not to import, which
we shall know, or have cause to suspect, were imported after the first day of December, except such as come under the
rules and directions of the tenth article hereafter mentioned.
4. The earnest desire we have not to injure our fellow-subjects
in Great-Britain, Ireland, or the West-Indies, induces us to suspend a non-exportation, until the tenth day of September,
1775; at which time, if the said acts and parts of acts of the British parliament herein after mentioned, are not repealed,
we will not directly or indirectly, export any merchandise or commodity whatsoever to Great- Britain, Ireland, or the
West-Indies, except rice to Europe.
5. Such as are merchants, and use the British and Irish trade, will give orders,
as soon as possible, to their factors, agents and correspondents, in Great-Britain and Ireland, not to ship any goods to
them, on any pretence whatsoever, as they cannot be received in America; and if any merchant, residing in Great-Britain
or Ireland, shall directly or indirectly ship any goods, wares or merchandize, for America, in order to break the said
non-importation agreement, or in any manner contravene the same, on such unworthy conduct being well attested, it ought
to be made public; and, on the same being so done, we will not, from thenceforth, have any commercial connexion with
such merchant.
6. That such as are owners of vessels will give positive orders to their captains, or masters, not
to receive on board their vessels any goods prohibited by the said non-importation agreement, on pain of immediate dismission
from their service.
7. We will use our utmost endeavours to improve the breed of sheep, and increase their number
to the greatest extent; and to that end, we will kill them as seldom as may be, especially those of the most profitable
kind; nor will we export any to the West-Indies or elsewhere; and those of us, who are or may become overstocked with, or
can conveniently spare any sheep, will dispose of them to our neighbours, especially to the poorer sort, on moderate terms.
We will, in our several stations, encourage frugality, economy, and industry, and promote agriculture, arts and the manufactures
of this country, especially that of wool; and will discountenance and discourage every species of extravagance and dissipation,
especially all horse-racing, and all kinds of games, cock fighting, exhibitions of shews, plays, and other expensive
diversions and entertainments; and on the death of any relation or friend, none of us, or any of our families will go
into any further mourning-dress, than a black crepe or ribbon on the arm or hat, for gentlemen, and a black ribbon and necklace
for ladies, and we will discontinue the giving of gloves and scarves at funerals.
9. Such as are venders of goods
or merchandize will not take advantage of the scarcity of goods, that may be occasioned by this association, but will
sell the same at the rates we have been respectively accustomed to do, for twelve months last past. -And if any vender
of goods or merchandise shall sell such goods on higher terms, or shall, in any manner, or by any device whatsoever, violate or
depart from this agreement, no person ought, nor will any of us deal with any such person, or his or her factor or agent,
at any time thereafter, for any commodity whatever.
10. In case any merchant, trader, or other person, shall import
any goods or merchandize, after the first day of December, and before the first day of February next, the same ought
forthwith, at the election of the owner, to be either re-shipped or delivered up to the committee of the country or
town, wherein they shall be imported, to be stored at the risque of the importer, until the non-importation agreement
shall cease, or be sold under the direction of the committee aforesaid; and in the last-mentioned case, the owner or owners
of such goods shall be reimbursed out of the sales, the first cost and charges, the profit, if any, to be applied towards
relieving and employing such poor inhabitants of the town of Boston, as are immediate sufferers by the Boston port-bill;
and a particular account of all goods so returned, stored, or sold, to be inserted in the public papers; and if any
goods or merchandizes shall be imported after the said first day of February, the same ought forthwith to be sent back
again, without breaking any of the packages thereof.
11. That a committee be chosen in every county, city, and town,
by those who are qualified to vote for representatives in the legislature, whose business it shall be attentively to
observe the conduct of all persons touching this association; and when it shall be made to appear, to the satisfaction
of a majority of any such committee, that any person within the limits of their appointment has violated this association,
that such majority do forthwith cause the truth of the case to be published in the gazette; to the end, that all such
foes to the rights of British-America may be publicly known, and universally contemned as the enemies of American liberty;
and thenceforth we respectively will break off all dealings with him or her.
12. That the committee of correspondence,
in the respective colonies, do frequently inspect the entries of their customhouses, and inform each other, from time
to time, of the true state thereof, and of every other material circumstance that may occur relative to this association.
That all manufactures of this country be sold at reasonable prices, so- that no undue advantage be taken of a future scarcity
of goods.
14. And we do further agree and resolve that we will have no trade, commerce, dealings or intercourse
whatsoever, with any colony or province, in North-America, which shall not accede to, or which shall hereafter violate
this association, but will hold them as unworthy of the rights of freemen, and as inimical to the liberties of their country.
we do solemnly bind ourselves and our constituents, under the ties aforesaid, to adhere to this association, until such
parts of the several acts of parliament passed since the close of the last war, as impose or continue duties on tea,
wine, molasses, syrups paneles, coffee, sugar, pimento, indigo, foreign paper, glass, and painters' colours, imported
into America, and extend the powers of the admiralty courts beyond their ancient limits, deprive the American subject
of trial by jury, authorize the judge's certificate to indemnify the prosecutor from damages, that he might otherwise be liable
to from a trial by his peers, require oppressive security from a claimant of ships or goods seized, before he shall be
allowed to defend his property, are repealed.-And until that part of the act of the 12 G. 3. ch. 24, entitled "An act
for the better securing his majesty's dock-yards magazines, ships, ammunition, and stores," by which any persons charged
with committing any of the offenses therein described, in America, may be tried in any shire or county within the realm,
is repealed-and until the four acts, passed the last session of parliament, viz. that for stopping the port and blocking
up the harbour of Boston-that for altering the charter and government of the Massachusetts-Bay-and that which is entitled
"An act for the better administration of justice, &c."-and that "for extending the limits of Quebec, &c." are
repealed. And we recommend it to the provincial conventions, and to the committees in the respective colonies, to establish
such farther regulations as they may think proper, for carrying into execution this association.
The foregoing association
being determined upon by the Congress, was ordered to be subscribed by the several members thereof; and thereupon, we
have hereunto set our respective names accordingly. IN CONGRESS, PHILADELPHIA, October 20, 1774. PEYTON RANDOLPH, President.
New Hampshire
Jno. Sullivan
Nathel. Folsom
Massachusetts Bay
Thomas Cushing
Saml. Adams
John Adams
Robt.Treat Paine
Rhode Island
Step. Hopkins
Sam: Ward
Elipht Dyer
Roger Sherman
Silas Deane
New York
Isaac Low
John Alsop
John Jay
Jas. Duane
Phil. Livingston
Wm. Floyd
Henry Wisner
S: Boerum
New Jersey
J. Kinsey
Wil: Livingston
Stepn. Crane
Richd. Smith
John De Hart
Jos. Galloway
John Dickinson
Cha Humphreys
Thomas Mifflin
E. Biddle
John Morton
Geo: Ross
The Lower Counties New Castle
Cæsar Rodney
Tho. M: Kean
Geo: Read
Mat Tilghman
Ths. Johnson Junr.
Wm. Paca
Samuel Chase