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Chapter I

The Creation And Fall Of Man

"Time never was when man was not." If life of man at any time began, a time would come when it would end. "The thoughts of Allah cannot be circumscribed. No finite mind can comprehend things infinite. All finite things are subject unto change. All finite things will cease to be because there was a time when they were not." The bodies and the souls of men are finite things, and they will change, yea, from the finite point of view the time will come when they will be no more. "But man himself is not the body, nor the soul; he is a spirit and a part of Allah." Creative Fate gave to man, to spirit-man, a soul that he might function on the plane of soul; gave him a body of the flesh, that he might function on the plane of things made manifest. Why did creative Fate give to spirit-man a soul that he might function on the plane of soul? Why did creative Fate give to soul a body of the flesh that he might function on the plane of things that are made manifest?
["Hear, now, ye worlds, dominions, powers and thrones!]

Hear, mow, ye cherubim, ye seraphim, ye angels and ye men!

"Hear, now, oh protoplast, and earth, and plant and beast!

"Hear, now, ye creeping things of earth, ye fish that swim, ye birds that fly!

"Hear, now, ye winds that blow, ye thunders and ye lightnings of the sky!

"Hear, now, ye spirits of the fire, of water, earth, and air!

"Hear, now, oh everything that is, or was, or evermore will be, for Wisdom speaks from out of the highest plane of spirit life:

"Man is a thought of Allah; all thoughts of Allah are infinite; they are not measured up by time, for things that are concerned with time, begin and end.

"The thoughts of Allah are the everlasting of the past unto the never ending days to come. And so is man, the spirit-man.

"But man like every other thought of Allah, was but a seed, a seed that held within itself the potencies of Allah, just as the seed of any plant of earth holds deep within itself the attributes of every part of that especial plant.

"So spirit-man, as seed of Allah held deep within himself the attributes of every part of God.

"Now, seed are perfect, yea, as perfect as the source from which they come; but they are not unfolded into life made manifest. The child is as perfect as the mother is. So man, the seed, must be deep planted in a soil that he might grow, unfold, as does the bud unfold to show the flower. The human seed that came forth from the heart of Allah was full ordained to be the Lord of plane of soul, and of the plane of things made manifest. So Allah, the husbandman of every thing that is, threw forth this human seed into the soil of soul; it grew apace, and man became a living soul; and he became the Lord of all the kingdom of the soul. Hark, now, let every creature hear, the plane of soul is but the ether of the spirit plane vibrating not so fast, and in the slower rhythm of this plane the essences of life are manifest; the perfumes and the odors, the true sensations and the all of love are manifest.

"And these soul attributes become a body beautiful. A multitude of lessons man must learn upon the plane of soul; and here he tarries many ages until his lessons are all learned. Upon the boundary of the plane of soul, the ether began to vibrate slower still and then the essences took on a final garb; the perfumes and the odors and the true sensations and the all of love were clothed in flesh; and man was clothed in flesh. Perfected man must pass through all the ways of life, and so a carnal nature was full manifest, a nature that sprang forth from fleshly things. Without a foe a soldier never knows his strength, and thought must be developed by the exercise of strength. And so this carnal nature soon became a foe that man must fight, that he might be the strength of Allah made manifest. Let every living thing stand still and hear! Man is the Lord of all the plane of manifest, of protoplast, of mineral, of plant, of beast, but he gave up his birthrights, just to gratify his lower self. But man will regain his lost estate, his heritage; but he must do it in a conflict that cannot be told in words. Yea, he must suffer trials and temptations manifold; but let him know that cherubim and seraphim that rule the stations of the sun and spirit of the mighty Allah who rule the solar stars are his protectors and his guide, and they will lead to victory. Man will be fully saved, redeemed, perfected by the things he suffers on the plane of flesh, and on the plane of soul. When man has conquered carnal things his garb of flesh will then have served its purpose well and it will fall; will be no more.

"Then he will stand untrammeled on the plane of soul where he must full complete his victories. Unnumbered foes will stand before man upon the plane of soul; these he must overcome, yea, overcome them every one. Thus hope will ever be his beacon light; there is no failure for the human soul, for Allah is leading on and victory is sure.

"Man cannot die; the spirit-man is one with Allah, and while Allah lives man cannot die. When man has conquered every foe upon the plane of soul the seed will have full opened out, will have unfolded in the Holy Breath. The garb of soul will then have served its purpose well, and man will need it never more, and it will pass and be no more and man will then attain unto the blessedness of perfectness and be at one with Allah."

Chapter II

Education of Mary and Elizabeth in Zoan, Egypt

1. The son of Herod, Archelaus, reigned in Jerusalem. He was a selfish, cruel king; he put to death all those who did not honor him.
2. He called in council all the wisest men and asked about the infant claimant to his throne.

3. The council said that John and Jesus both were dead; then he was satisfied.

4. Now Joseph, Mary and their son were down in Egypt in Zoan, and John was with his mother in the Judean Hills.

5. Elihu and Salome sent messengers in haste to find Elizabeth and John. They found them, they brought them to Zoan.

6. Now Mary and Elizabeth were marveling much because of their deliverance.

7. Elihu said, "It is not strange; there are no happenings; law governs all events.

8. From olden times it was ordained that you should be with us and in this sacred school be taught."

9. Elihu and Salome took Mary and Elizabeth out to the sacred grove nearby where they were wont to teach.

10. Elihu said to Mary and Elizabeth: "You may esteem yourself thrice blessed, for you are chosen mothers of long promised sons.

11. Who are ordained to lay a solid rock a sure foundation stone on which the temple of the perfect man shall rest--a temple that shall never be destroyed.

12. We measure time by cycle ages, and the gate to every age we deem a mile stone in the journey of the race.

13. An age has passed; the gate unto another age flies open at the touch of time. This is the preparation age of soul, the kingdom of Immanuel, of Allah in man.

14. And these, your sons, will be the first to tell the news, and teach the gospel of good will to men, and peace on earth.

15. A mighty work is theirs, for carnal men want not the light; they love the dark, and when the light shines in the dark they comprehend it not.

16. We call these sons Revealers of the Light, but they must have the light before they can reveal the light.

17. And you must teach your sons, and set their souls on fire with love and holy zeal, and make them conscious of their missions to the sons of men.

18. Teach them that Allah and man are one, but that through carnal thoughts and words and deeds, man tore himself away from Allah, debased himself.

19. Teach that the Holy Breath would make them one again, restoring harmony and peace.

20. That naught can make them one but Love; that Allah so loved the world that He has clothed His son in flesh that man may comprehend.

21. The only Savior of the world is love; and Jesus, son of Mary, comes to manifest that love to men.

22. Now, love cannot manifest until its way has been prepared, and naught can rend the rock and bring down lofty hills and fill the valleys up, and thus prepare the way, but purity.

23. But purity in life men do not comprehend; and so, it, too, come in flesh.

24. And you, Elizabeth, are blessed because yours is purity made flesh, and he shall pave the way for love.

25. This age will comprehend but little of the works of Purity and Love; but not a word is lost, for in the Book of Allah's Remembrance a registry is made of every thought and word and deed.

26. And when the world is ready to receive, lo, Allah will send a messenger to open the book and copy from its sacred pages all the messages of Purity and Love.

27. Then every man of earth will read the words of life in language of his native land, and men will see the light, walk in the light and be the light.

28. And man again will be at one with Allah."

Chapter III

Elihu's Lessons - The Unity Of Life

1. Again Elihu met his pupils in the sacred grove and said:
2. "No man lives unto himself, for every living thing is bound by cords to every other living thing.

3. Blessed are the pure in heart; for they will love and not demand love in return.

4. They will not do to other men what they would not have other men do unto them.

5. There are two selves; the higher and the lower self.

6. The higher self is human spirit clothed with soul, made in the form of Allah.

7. The lower self, the carnal self, the body of desires, is a reflection of higher self, distorted by the murky ethers of the flesh.

8. The lower self is an illusion and will pass away; the higher self is Allah in man, and will not pass away.

9. The higher self is the embodiment of truth, the lower self is truth reversed and so is falsehood manifest.

10. The higher self is justice, mercy, love and right; the lower self is what the higher self is not.

11. The lower self breeds hatred, slander, lewdness, murders, theft, and everything that harms, the higher self is mother of the virtues and the harmonies of life.

12. The lower self is rich in promises, but poor in blessedness and peace; it offers pleasure, joy and satisfying gain; but gives unrest, misery and death.

13. It gives men apples that are lovely to the eye and pleasant to the smell; their cores are full of bitterness and gall.

14. If you would ask me what to study, I would say, yourselves; and when you well have studied them; and then would ask me what to study next, I would reply, yourselves.

15. He who knows well his lower self, knows the illusions of the world, knows of the things that pass away; and he who knows his higher self, know Allah; knows well the things that cannot pass away.

16. Thrice blessed is the man who has made purity and love his very own; he has been ransomed from the perils of the lower self and is himself his higher self.

17. Men seek salvation from an evil that they deem a living monster of the nether world; and they have gods that are but demons in disguise; all powerful, yet full of jealousy and hate and lust;

18. Whose favors must be bought with costly sacrifice of fruits, and of the lives of birds, and animals, and human kind.

19. And yet these gods possess no ears to hear, no eyes to see, no heart to sympathize, no power to save.

20. This evil is a myth; these gods are made of air, clothed with shadows of a thought.

21. The only devil from which men must be redeemed is self, the lower self. If man would find his devil he must look within; his name is self.

22. If man would find his savior he must look within; and when the demon self has been dethroned the savior, Love, will be exulted to the throne of power.

23. The David of the light is Purity, who slays the strong Goliath of the dark, and seats the savior, Love, upon the throne."

Chapter IV

Death and Burial of Elizabeth--Matheno's Lessons --The Ministry of Death

1. When John was twelve years old his mother died, and neighbors laid her body in a tomb among her kindred in the Hebron burying ground, and near to Zacharias' tomb.
2. And John was deeply grieved; he wept. Matheno said: "It is not well to weep because of death.

3. Death is no enemy of man; it is a friend who, when the work of life is done, just cuts the cord that binds the human boat to earth, that it may sail on smoother seas.

4. No language can describe a mother's worth, and yours was tried and true. But she was not called hence until her tasks were done.

5. The calls of death are always for the best, for we are solving problems there as well as here; and one is sure to find himself where he can solve his problems best.

6. It is but selfishness that makes one wish to call again to earth departed souls.

7. Then let your mother rest in peace. Just let her noble life be strength and inspiration unto you.

8. A crisis in your life has come, and you must have a clear conception of the work that you are called to do.

9. The sages of the ages call you harbinger. The Prophets look to you and say: "He is Elijah come again."

10. Your mission here is that of harbinger; for you will go before the Messiah's face to pave His way, and make the people ready to receive their King.

11. This readiness is purity of heart; none but the pure in heart can recognize the king.

12. To teach men to be pure in heart, you must yourself be pure in heart and word and deed.

13. In infancy the vow for you was made and you became a Nazarite. The razor shall not touch your face nor head, and you shall taste not wine nor fiery drinks.

14. Men need a pattern for their lives; they love to follow, not to lead.

15. The man who stands upon the corners of the paths and points the way, but does not go, is just a pointer; and a block of wood can do the same.

16. The teacher treads the way; on every span of ground he leaves his footprints, clearly cut, which all can see and be assured that he, their master went that way.

17. Men comprehend the inner life by what they see and do. They come to Allah through ceremonies and forms.

18. And so when you would make men know that sins are washed away by purity in life, a rite symbolic may be introduced.

19. In water wash the bodies of the people who would turn away from sin and strive for purity in life.

20. This rite of cleansing is a preparation rite and they who thus are cleansed comprise the temple of purity.

21. And you shall say, You men of Israel, hear; reform and wash; become the sons of purity, and you shall be forgiven.

22. This rite of cleansing and this temple are but symbolic of the cleansing of the soul, which does not come from outward show, but is the temple within.

23. Now, you may never point the way and tell the multitudes to do what you have never done; but you must go before and show the way.

24. You are to teach that men must wash; so you must lead the way, your body must be washed, symbolic of the cleansing of the soul."

25. John said, "Why need I wait? May I not go at once and wash?"

26. Matheno said: "Tis well", and then they went down to the Jordan ford, and east of Jericho, just where the host of Israel crossed when first they entered Canaan, they tarried for a time.

27. Matheno taught the harbinger, and he explained to him the inner meaning of the cleansing rite and how to wash himself and how to wash the multitude.

28. And in the river Jordan, John was washed; then they returned unto the wilderness.

29. Now in Engedi's hills Matheno's work was done and he and John went down to Egypt. They rested not until they reached the temple of Sakara in the valley of the Nile.

30. For many years, Matheno was a master in this temple of the Brotherhood, and when he told about the life of John and of his mission to the sons of men, the hierophant with joy received the harbinger and he was called the Brother Nazarite.

31. For eighteen years John lived and wrought within these temple gates; and here he conquered self, became a master mind and learned the duties of the harbinger.

Chapter V

After the feast--The Homeward Journey--The Missing Jesus--The Search For Him. His Parents Find Him In the Temple--He Goes With Them To Nazareth--Symbolic Meaning of Carpenter's Tools.

1. The great Feast of the Pasch was ended and the Nazarenes were journeying toward their homes.
2. And they were in Samaria, and Mary said: "Where is my son?" No one had seen the boy.

3. And Joseph sought among their kindred who were on their way to Galilee; but they had seen him not.

4. Then Joseph, Mary, and a son of Zebedee returned and sought through all Jerusalem, but they could find him not.

5. And Mary asked the guards had they seen Jesus, a little boy about twelve years old.

6. The guards replied: "Yes, he is in the temple now disputing with the doctors of the law."

7. And they went in, and found him as the guards had said.

8. And Mary said: "Why, Jesus, why do you treat your parents thus? Lo, we have sought two days for you. We feared that some great harm had overtaken you."

9. And Jesus said, "Do you not know that I must be about my Father's work?"

10. But He went round and pressed the hand of every doctor of the law and said: "I trust that we meet again."

11. And then he went forth with his parents on their way to Nazareth; and when they reached their home He wrought with Joseph as a carpenter.

12. One day as He was bringing forth the tools for work he said:

13. "These tools remind me of the ones we handle in the workshop of the mind where things were made of thought and where we build up character.

14. We use the square to measure all our lines, to straighten out the crooked places of the way, and make the corners of our conduct square.

15. We use the compass to draw circles around our passions and desires to keep them in the bounds of righteousness.

16. We use the axe to cut away the knotty, useless and ungainly parts and make the character symmetrical.

17. We use the hammer to drive home the truth, and pound it in until it is a part of every part.

18. We use the plane to smooth the rough, uneven surfaces of joint, and block, and board that go to build the temple for the truth.

19. The chisel, line, the plummet and the saw all have their uses in the workshop of the mind.

20. And then this ladder with its trinity of steps, faith, hope and love; on it we climb up to the dome of purity in life.

21. And on the twelve step ladder, we ascend until we reach the pinnacle of that which life is spent to build the Temple of Perfected Man."

Chapter VI

Life and Works of Jesus in India Among the Moslems

1. A royal prince of India, Ravanna in the South, was at the Jewish Feast.
2. Ravanna was a man of wealth, and he was just, and with a band of Brahmic priests sought wisdom in the west.

3. When Jesus stood among the Jewish priests and read and spoke, Ravanna heard and was amazed.

4. And when he asked who Jesus was, from whence He came and what He was, Chief Hillel said:

5. "We call this child the Day Star from on high, for He has come to bring to men a light, the light of life; to lighten up the way of men and to redeem His people of Israel."

6. And Hillel told Ravanna all about the child; about the prophecies concerning Him; about the wonders of the night when He was born; about the visit of the Magian priests.

7. About the way in which He was protected from the wrath of evil men; about His flight to Egyptland, and how He then was serving with His father as a carpenter in Nazareth.

8. Ravanna was entranced, and asked to know the way to Nazareth, that he might go and honor such a one as son of Allah.

9. And with his gorgeous train he journeyed and came to Nazareth of Galilee.

10. He found the object of his search engaged in building dwellings for the sons of men.

11. And when he first saw Jesus He was climbing up a twelve step ladder, and He carried in His hands a compass, square and axe.

12. Ravanna said: "All hail, most favored son of Heaven!"

13. And at the inn Ravanna made a feast for all the people of the town; and Jesus and His parents were honored guests.

14. For certain days Ravanna was a guest in Joseph's home on Marmion Way; he sought to learn the secret of the wisdom of the son; but it was all to great for him.

15. And then he asked that he might be the patron of the child, might take Him to the east, where He could learn the wisdom of the Brahms.

16. And Jesus longed to go, that He might learn; and after many days His parents gave consent.

17. Then, with proud heart, Ravanna with his train, began the journey towards the rising sun; and after many days they crossed the sand, and reached the province of Orissa, and the palace of the prince.

18. The Brahmic priests were glad to welcome home the prince; with favor they received the Jewish boy.

19. And Jesus was accepted as a pupil in the Temple Jagannath; and here He learned the Vedas and the Manic law.

20. The Brahmic Masters wondered at the clear conceptions of the Child, and often were amazed when He explained to them the meaning of the law.


The Friendship of Jesus and Lamaas--Jesus Explains to Lamaas the Meaning of Truth

1. Among the priests of Jagannath was one who loved the Jewish boy. Lamaas Bramas was the name by which the priest was known.
2. One day as Jesus and Lamaas walked alone in Plaza Jagannath, Lamaas said: "My Jewish master, what is truth?"

3. And Jesus said: "Truth is the only thing that changes not.

4. In all the world there are two things; The one is truth; the other is falsehood, and falsehood that which seems to be.

5. Now truth is aught and has no cause, and yet it is the cause of everything.

6. Falsehood is naught, and yet it is the manifest of right.

7. Whatever has been made will be unmade; that which begins must end.

8. All things that can be seen by human eyes are manifests of aught, are naught, and so must pass away.

9. The things we see are but reflexes just appearing, while the ethers vibrate so and so, and when conditions change they disappear.

10. The Holy Breath is truth; is that which was, and is, and evermore shall be; it cannot change nor pass away."

11. Lamaas said: "You answer well, now what is man?"

12. And Jesus said, "Man is the truth and falsehood strangely mixed.

13. Man is the Breath made flesh; so truth and falsehood are conjoined in him; and they strive, and naught goes down and man as truth abides."

14. Again Lamaas asked: "What do you say of power?"

15. And Jesus said: "It is a manifest; is the result of force; it is but naught; it is illusion, nothing more. Force changes not, but power changes as the ethers change.

16. "Force is the will of Allah and is omnipotent, and power is that will in manifest, directed by the Breath."

17. "There is power in the winds, a power in the waves, a power in the lightning's stroke, a power in the human arm, a power in the eye."

18. "The ethers cause these powers to be, and thought of Elohim, of angel, man, or other thinking things, directs the force; when it has done its work the power is no more."

19. Again Lamaas asked: "Of understanding, what have you to say?"

20. And Jesus said: "It is the rock on which man builds himself; it is the Gnosis of the aught and of the naught, of falsehood and of truth."

21. "It is the knowledge of the lower self; the sensing of the powers of man himself."

22. Again Lamaas asked: "Of wisdom what have you to say?"

23. And Jesus said: "It is the consciousness that man is aught; that Allah and man are one;

24. That naught is naught; that power is but illusion; that heaven and earth and hell are not above, around, below, but in; which in the light of aught becomes the naught, and Allah is all."

25. Lamaas asked: "Pray, what is faith?"

26. And Jesus said: "Faith is the surety of the omnipotence of Allah and man; the certainty that man will reach the deific life.

27. Salvation is a ladder reaching from the heart of man to heart of Allah.

28. It has three steps; Belief is first, and this is what man thinks, perhaps, is truth.

29. And faith is next, and this is what man knows is truth.

30. Fruition is the last, and this is man himself, the truth.

31. Belief is lost in faith; and in fruition is lost; and man is saved when he has reached deific life; when he and Allah are one."

Chapter VIII

Jesus Reveals to the People of Their Sinful Ways

1. In all the cities of Orissa Jesus taught. At Katak, by the river side, He taught, and thousands of the people followed him.
2 One day a car of Jagannath was hauled along by scores of frenzied men, and Jesus said:

3. "Behold, a form without a spirit passes by; a body with no soul; a temple with no altar fires.

4. This car of Krishna is an empty thing, for Krishna is not there.

5. This car is but an idol of a people drunk on wine of carnal things.

6. Allah lives not in the noise of tongues; there is no way to Him from any idol shrine.

7. Allah's meeting place with man is in the heart, and in a still small voice he speaks; and he who hears is still."

8. And all the people said: "Teach us to know the Holy One who speaks within the heart, Allah of the still small voice."

9. And Jesus said, "The Holy Breath cannot be seen with mortal eyes; nor can men see the spirits of the Holy One.

10. But in their image man was made, and he who looks into the face of man, looks at the image of the Allah who speaks within.

11. And when man honors man, he honors Allah, and what man does for man he does for Allah.

12. And you must bear in mind that when man harms in thought or word or deed another man, he does a wrong to Allah.

13. If you would serve the Allah who speaks within the heart, just serve your near of kin, and those that are no kin, the stranger at your gates, the foe who seeks to do you harm.

14. Assist the poor, and help the weak; do harm to none, and covet not what is not yours.

15. Then, with your tongue the Holy One will speak; and he will smile behind your tears, will light your countenance with joy, and fill your hearts with peace."

16. And then the people asked: "To whom shall we bring gifts? Where shall we offer sacrifice?"

17. And Jesus said: "Our Father--Allah asks not for needless waste of plant, of grain, of dove, of lamb.

18. That which you burn on any shrine you throw away. No blessings can attend the one who takes the food from hungry mouths to be destroyed by fire.

19. When you would offer sacrifice unto Allah, just take your gift of grain, or meat, and lay it on the table of the poor.

20. From it an incense will arise to heaven, which will return to you with blessedness.

21. Tear down your idols; they can hear you not; turn all your sacrificial altars into fuel for the flames.

22. Make human hearts your altars, and burn your sacrifices with the fire of love."

23. And all the people were entranced, and would have worshiped Jesus as a God; but Jesus said:

24. "I am your brother man just come to show the way to Allah; you shall not worship man; praise Allah the Holy One."


Jesus attends a feast in Behar and Here He Taught Human Equality.

1. The fame of Jesus as a teacher spread through all the land, and people came from near and far to hear His words of truth.
2. At Behar, on the sacred river of the Brahms, he taught for many days.

3. And Ach, a wealthy man of Behar, made a feast in honor of his guest, and he invited every one to come.

4. And many came; among them thieves, extortioners, and courtesans. And Jesus sat with them and taught; but they who followed him were much aggrieved, because He sat with thieves and courtesans.

5. And they upbraided Him; they said: "Rabboni, master of the wise, this day will be an evil day for you.

6. The news will spread that you consort with courtesans and men will shun you as they shun an asp."

7. And Jesus answered them and said: "A master never screens himself for sake of reputation or of fame.

8. These are but worthless baubles of the day; they arise and sink, like empty bottles on a stream; they are illusions and will pass away;

9. They are the indices to what the thoughtless think; they are the noise that people make; and shallow men judge merit by the noise.

10. Allah and all master men judge men by what they are and not by what they seem to be; not by their reputation and their fame.

11. These courtesans and thieves are children of my Father Allah; their soul are just as precious in His sight as yours, or of the Brahmic priests.

12. And they are working out the same life sums that you have solved, you men who look at them with scorn.

13. And some of them have solved much harder sums than you have solved, you men who look at them with scorn.

14. Yes, they are sinners, and confess their guilt while you are guilty, but are shrewd enough to have a polished coat to cover up your guilt.

15. Suppose you men who scorn the courtesans, these drunkards and these thieves, who know that you are pure in heart and life, that you are better far than they, stand forth that men may know just who you are.

16. The sin lies in the wish, in the desire, not in the act.

17. You covet other people's wealth; you look at charming forms, and deep within your hearts you lust for them.

18. Deceit you practice every day, and wish for gold, for honor and for fame, just for your selfish selves.

19. The man who covets is a thief, and she who lusts is courtesan. You who are none of these speak out."

20. Nobody spoke; the accusers held their peace.

21. And Jesus said: "The proof this day is all against those who have accused.

22. The pure in heart do not accuse. The vile in heart who want to cover up their guilt with holy smoke of piety are ever loathing drunkard, thief and courtesans.

23. This loathing and this scorn is mockery, for if the tinseled coat of reputation could be torn away, the loud professor would be found to revel in his lust, deceit and many forms of secret sin.

24. The man who spends his time in pulling other people's weeds can have no time to pull his own, and all the choicest flowers of life will soon be choked and die, and nothing will remain but darnel, thistles and burs."

25. And Jesus spoke a parable; He said: "Behold, a farmer had great fields of ripened grain, and when he looked he saw that blades of many stalks of wheat were bent and broken down.

26. And when he sent his reapers forth he said 'We will not save the stalks of wheat that have the broken blades.

27. Go forth and cut and burn the stalks with broken blades.'

28. And after many days he went to measure up his grain, but not a kernel could he find.

29. And then he called the harvesters and said to them: 'Where is my grain?'

30. They answered him and said: 'We did according to your word; we gathered up and burned the stalks with broken blades, and not a stalk was left to carry to the barn.'

31. And Jesus said: "If Allah saves only those who have no broken blades, who have been perfected in His sight, who will be saved?"

32. And the accusers hung their heads in shame; and Jesus went His way.


Jesus Spake on the Unity of Allah and Man to the Hindus

1. Benares is the sacred city of the Brahms, and in Benares Jesus taught; Udraka was His host.
2. Udraka made a feast in honour of his guests, and many high born Hindu priests and scribes were there.

3. And Jesus said to them, with much delight "I speak to you concerning life--the brotherhood of life.

4. The universal Allah is one, yet He is more than one; all things are one.

5. By the sweet breath of Allah all life is bound in one; so if you touch a fiber of a living thing you send a thrill from the center to the outer bounds of life.

6. And when you crush beneath your foot the meanest worm, you shake the throne of Allah, and cause the sword of life to tremble in its sheath.

7. The bird sings out its song for men, and men vibrate in unison to help it sing.

8. The ant constructs her home, the bee its sheltering comb, the spider weaves her web and flowers breath to them a spirit in their sweet perfume that gives them strength to toil.

9. Now, men and birds and beasts and creeping things are deities, made flesh; and how dare men kill anything?

10. It is cruelty that makes the world awry, when men have learned that when they harm a living thing, they harm themselves, they surely will not kill, nor cause a thing that Allah has made to suffer pain."

11. A lawyer said: "I pray to Jesus, tell who is this Allah you speak about; where are His priests, His temples and His shrines?"

12. And Jesus said: "The Allah I speak about is everywhere; He cannot be compassed with walls, nor hedged about with bounds of any kind.

13. All people worship Allah, the One; but all the people see Him not alike.

14. This universal Allah is wisdom, will and love.

15. All men see not the Triune Allah. One sees Him as Allah of might; another as Allah of thought; another as Allah of love.

16. A man's ideal is his God, and so, as man unfolds, his God unfolds. Man's God today, tomorrow is not God.

17. The nations of the earth see Allah from different points of view, and so He does not seem the same to every one.

18. Man names the part of Allah he sees, and this to him is all of Allah; and every nation sees a part of Allah, and every nation has a name for Allah.

19. You Brahmans call Him Parabrahm; in Egypt he is Thoth; and Zeus is His name in Greece, Jehovah is His Hebrew name; but everywhere He is the causeless cause, the rootless root from which all things have grown.

20. When men are afraid of Allah and take Him for a foe, they dress up other men in fancy garbs and call them priests.

21. And charge them to restrain the wrath of Allah by prayers and when they fail to win His favour by their prayers, to buy Him off with sacrifice of animals or birds.

22. When man sees Allah as one with him, as Father Allah, he needs no middle man, no priest to intercede.

23. He goes straight up to Him and says, 'My Father God, Allah!' and then he lays his hand in Allah's own hand, and all is well.

24. And this is Allah. You are, each one, a priest, just for yourself; and sacrifice of blood Allah does not want.

25. Just give your life in sacrificial service to all of life, and Allah is pleased."

26. When Jesus had thus said He stood aside; the people were amazed, but strove among themselves.

27. Some said: "He is inspired by Holy Brahm" and others said: "He is insane"; and others said: "He is obsessed; he speaks as devils speak."

28. But Jesus tarried not. Among the guests was one, a tiller of the soil, a generous soul, a seeker after truth, who loved the words that Jesus spoke, and Jesus went with him and in his home abode.

Chapter XI

Jesus and Barata--Together They Read the Sacred Books.

1. Among the Buddhist priests was one who saw a lofty wisdom in the words that Jesus spoke. It was Barata Arabo.
2. Together Jesus and Barata read the Jewish Psalms and prophets; read the Vedas, the Avesta and the wisdom of Gautama.

3. And as they read and talked about the possibilities of man, Barata said:

4. "Man is the marvel of the universe. He is part of everything, for he has been a living thing on every plane of life.

5. Time was when man was not; and then he was bit of formless substance in the molds of time; and then a protoplast.

6. By universal law, all things tend upward to a state of perfectness. The protoplast evolved, becoming worm, then reptile, bird and beast, and then at last it reached the form of man.

7. Now, man himself is mind, and mind is here to gain perfection by experience; and mind is often manifest in fleshy form, and in the form best suited to its growth. So mind may manifest as worm, or bird, or beast, or man.

8. The time will come when everything of life will be evolved unto the state of perfect man.

9. And after man is man in perfectness, he will evolve to higher forms of life."

10. And Jesus said: "Barata Arabo, who taught you this, that mind which is the man, may manifest in flesh of beast, or bird, or creeping thing?"

11. Barata said: "From times which man remembers not our priests have told us so, and so we know."

12. And Jesus said: "Enlightened Arabo, are you a master mind and do not know that man knows naught by being told?

13. Man may believe what others say, but thus he never knows. If man would know, he must, himself be what he knows.

14. Do you remember, Arabo, when you were ape, or bird, or worm?

15. Now, if you have no better proving of your plea than that the priests have told you so, you do not know; you simply guess.

16. Regard not, then, what any man has said; let us forget the flesh, and go with mind into the land of fleshless things; mind never does forget.

17. And backward through the ages master minds can trace themselves; and thus they know.

18. Time never was when man was not.

19. That which begins will have an end. If man was not, the time will come when he will not exist.

20. From Allah's own Record Book we read: The Triune Allah breathed forth, and stood seven spirits before His face. The Hebrews call these seven Spirits, Elohim.

21. And these are they who, in their boundless power, created everything that is, or was.

22. These Spirits of the Triune Allah moved on the face of boundless space and seven others were and every other had its form of life.

23. These forms of life were but the thought of Allah, clothed in the substance of their ether planes.

24. Men call these ether planes the planes of protoplast, of earth, of plant, of beast, of man, of angel and of cherubim.

25. These planes with all their teeming thoughts of Allah, are never seen by eyes of man in flesh; they are composed of substance far too fine for fleshy eyes to see, and still they constitute the soul of things.

26. And with the eyes of soul all creatures see these ether planes, and all forms of life.

27. Because all forms of life on every plane are thoughts of Allah, all creatures think, and every creature is possessed of will, and, in its measure, has the power to choose.

28. And in their native planes all creatures are supplied with nourishment from the ethers of their planes.

29. And so it was with every living thing until the will became a sluggish will, and then the ethers of the protoplast, the earth, the plant, the beast, the man, began to vibrate very slow.

30. The ethers all became more dense, and all the creatures of these planes were clothed with coarser garbs garbs of flesh, which men can see; and thus this coarser manifest, which men call physical, appeared.

31. And this is what is called the fall of man; but man fell not alone for protoplast, and earth, and plant and beast were all included in the fall.

32. The angels and the cherubim fell not; their wills were ever strong, and so they held the ethers of their planes in harmony with Allah.

33. Now, when the ether reached the rate of atmosphere, and all the creatures of these planes must get their food from atmosphere, the conflict came; and that which the finite man called, survival of the best, became the law.

34. The stronger ate the bodies of the weaker manifests; and here is where the carnal law of evolution had its rise.

35. And now man, in his utter shamelessness, strikes down and eats the beasts, the beast consumes the plant, the plant thrives on the earth, the earth absorbs the protoplast.

36. In yonder kingdom of the soul this carnal evolution is not known, and the great work of master minds is to restore the heritage of man, to bring him back to his estate that he has lost, when he again will live upon the ethers of his native plane.

37. The thoughts of Allah change not; the manifests of life on every plane unfold into perfection of their kind; and as the thought of Allah can never die, there is no death to any being of the seven ethers of the seven Spirits of the Triune Allah.

38. And so an earth is never plant; a beast, or bird, or creeping thing is never man, and man is not, and cannot be, a beast, or bird, or creeping thing.

39. The time will come when all these seven manifests will be absorbed, and man and beast and plant and earth and protoplast will be redeemed."

40. Barata was amazed; the wisdom of the Jewish sage was a revelation unto him.

41. Now, Vidyapati, wisest of the Indian sages, chief of temple Kapavistu, heard Barata speak to Jesus of the origin of man, and heard the answer of the Hebrew prophet, and he said:

42. "You priests of Kapavistu, hear me speak; we stand to-day upon a crest of time. Six times ago a master soul was born who gave a glorious light to man, and now a master sage stands here in the temple Kapavistu.

43. The Hebrew prophet is the rising star of wisdom, deified. He brings to us a knowledge of the secrets things of Allah; and all the world will hear his words, will heed his words, and glorify his name.

44. You priests of temple Kapavistu, stay; be still and listen when he speaks; he is the living Oracle of Allah."

45. And all the priests gave thanks, and praised the Buddha of enlightenment.


Jesus Teaches the Common People at a Spring--Tells Them How to Obtain Eternal Happiness.

1. In silent meditation Jesus sat beside a flowing spring. It was a holy day, and many people of the servant caste were near the place.
2. And Jesus saw the hard drawn lines of toil on every brow, in every hand. There was no look of joy in any face. Not one of all the group could think of anything but toil.

3. And Jesus spoke to one and said: "Why are you all so sad? Have you no happiness in life?"

4. The man replied: "We scarcely know the meaning of that word. We toil to live, and hope for nothing else but toil, and bless the day when we can cease our toil and lay down and rest in Buddha's city of the dead."

5. And Jesus' heart was stirred with pity and with love for these poor toilers, and he said:

6. "Toil should not make a person sad; men should be happiest when they toil. When hope and love are back of toil then all of life is filled with joy and peace and this is heaven. Do you not know that such a heaven is for you?"

7. The man replied: "Of heaven we have heard; but then it is so far away, and we must live so many lives before we can reach that place!"

8. And Jesus said: "My brother, man, your thoughts are wrong; your heaven is not far away, and it is not a place of metes and bounds, is not a country to be reached; it is a state of mind!

9. Allah never made a heaven for man; He never made a hell; we are creators and we make our own.

10. Now cease to seek for heaven in the sky; just open up the windows of the hearts, and, like a flood of light, a heaven will come and bring a boundless joy; then toil will be no cruel task."

11. The people were amazed, and gathered close to hear this strange young master speak,

12. Imploring him to tell them more about the Father-God, Allah, about the heaven that men can make on earth; about the boundless joy.

13. And Jesus spoke a parable; he said: "A certain man possessed a field; the soil was hard and poor.

14. By constant toil he scarcely could provide enough of food to keep his family from want.

15. One day a miner who could see beneath the soil, in passing on his way, saw this poor man and his unfruitful field.

16. He called the weary toiler and he said: 'My brother, know you not that just below the surface of your barren field rich treasures lie concealed?

17. You plough and sow and reap in a scanty way, and day by day you tread upon a mine of gold and precious stones.

18. This wealth lies not upon the surface of the ground; but if you will dig away the rocky soil, and delve down deep into the earth, you need no longer till the soil for naught.'

19. The man believed. 'The miner surely knows,' 'And I will find the treasures hidden in my field.'

20. And then he dug away the rocky soil, and deep down in the earth he found a mine of gold."

21. And Jesus said: "The sons of men are toiling hard on desert plains, and burning sands and rocky soils, are doing what there fathers did, not dreaming they can do aught else.

22. Behold a master comes, and tells them of a hidden wealth; that underneath the rocky soil of carnal things are treasures that no man can count.

23. That in the heart the richest gems abound; that he who wills may open the door and find them all."

24. And then the people said: "Make known to us the way that we may find the wealth that lies within the heart."

25. And Jesus opened up the way; the toilers saw another side of life, and toil became a joy.

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